Soil is Life, is Food, is Future
il web-meeting si terrà solo in Inglese
Round table – on line via web platform
Monday 28 June 2021 – H 18:00 – 21:00 (CEST – Central European Summer Time)
This event has been included in the
“All4Climate – Italy 2021” Program promoting 2021 as the Year of Climate Ambition @PreCop26ITA and @Connect4Climate using the hashtag #All4ClimateItaly2021.
The context
The multifunctional nature of soil and land resources and competing demands on them merit close scrutiny. There is a common understanding that soil, as a limited and non-renewable resource at high risk of degradation, has to be preserved.
The European Union (EU), with the Green Deal for Europe (launched in 2019), created new conditions for preserving soils for future generations and concretely fighting climate change. In this regard, soils play a pivotal role, as reflected in agricultural policy, the Farm to Fork strategy, the Biodiversity strategy, the law on Climate, and other related environmental policies. The EU also indicated in its roadmap to a resource-efficient Europe its aim to achieve no net land take by 2050 as well as committing to land degradation neutrality by 2030. Finally, the European Commission has launched an online public consultation on the development of a new EU Soil Strategy.
All this creates the conditions for a new specific soil strategy model to be addressed to COP26.
The round table participants
The complexity of soil touches many soil actors with different interests. The difficulty lies in understanding the each actor’s needs, and converging towards a common vision regarding the protection of soils to halt their degradation and consumption.
The representatives of different sectors will attend the round table and will raise awareness on the soil and provide possible solutions to reverse the current trend of soil degradation and consumption that affects all EU Member States.
The sectors that have been identified and invited are industrial farmers, organic farmers, builders, land tenure, unions, planners, local and regional administrators, civil society organisations, private industry, food industry, researchers, and European and international institutions.
Register to the event by clicking here.